Buy & Sell Digital Assets In The kriptomat

Coin rockie is the easiest, safest, and fastest way to buy & sell crypto asset exchange.

BTC/NSE 4.9%



ETH/NSE -8.9%



XMR/NSE -2.4%



LTC/NSE 7.6%



XRP/NSE -3.3%



PTC/NSE 12.9%



BSD/NSE 4.9%



ARC/NSE 7.0%



BNK/NSE -4.95%



BYC/NSE -7.49%



IPT/NSE 14.9%



CPX/NSE 9.46%



Track The Market

Use your credit card, payment app, or bank account to buy Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, and other select cryptocurrencies.


+15.55% +$ 155 $ 41245


-25.01% -$ 524 $ 1458


-5.05% -$ 48 $ 478
Coin Name Symbol Price($) Rating Marketcap Trand(%) Daynemic
Bitcoin (BTC)
$42542.25 5 $725,354M 02.25%
Ethereum (ETH)
$1,851.35 2 $425,424M 01.30%
Litecoin (LTC)
$875.10 3 $80,450 01.65%
Monero (XMR)
$1240.21 3 $120,451 02.15%
Ripple (XRP)
$1,315.15 4.7 $201,201 01.12%
Auroracoin (AUR)
$3,659.33 2.9 $2,545M 02.02%
Potcoin (PTC)
$9,124.32 4.9 $97,545M 02.85%
Aichain (AIT)
$2,336.84 4.3 $140,451 01.34%
Auroracoin (ARC)
$2,112.85 1.5 $95,741 03.12%

Our Main Features

Use your credit card, payment app, or bank account to buy Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, and other select cryptocurrencies.

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Buy or sell Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other crypto assets with your credit.

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kriptomat Live Selling is Happenning Now

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Token Sales
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Token sale ends Ap 30th 2025

Funded 60% = $ 600000
$ 6,87,500
$ 10,00,000
  • Soft Cap:  10000 USD
  • Min. transaction Amount:  1000 USD
  • Target:  900000 USD
Register & Buy Token Now

Minimum Purchase:30 BTC

Frequency Asked Questions

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Kriptomat is an all-in-one cryptocurrency exchange and wallet located in the EU. Our user-friendly platform enables you to safely buy and sell digital currencies in your local language and with local support.

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The blockchain is not a cryptocurrency and and it is not a word for bitcoin. It is the technology that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies use to maintain transparency, security, and efficiency. A digital currency is not a cryptocurrency if it isn’t on the blockchain. Blockchains do not need to be attached to cryptocurrencies, in fact, they can manage many forms of assets such as gaming items, reward points, and electoral votes. Nowadays most databases are stored on centralized servers that are controlled by a single entity, whereas a blockchain is database that is managed by a large number of computers that are perpetually synchronized with each other while being controlled by completely separate entities. This level of decentralization ensures no single party can make autonomous decisions that impact the greater community’s sovereignty.

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Yes, we do! Recommend our simple, safe, and secure platform to your friends and you will receive a 25% revenue share for a whole year from each friend you refer. Find out more!

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While our wallet is entirely free to use, there is a small fee included in your transaction that goes to Bitcoin Cash network miners, who help power the flow of BCH transactions. Our wallet will recommend a transaction fee, based on the current network conditions and your transaction.

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Bitcoin’s existence began with an academic paper written in 2008 by a developer under the name of Satoshi Nakamoto.The paper described the foundation for what was intended to be a peer-to-peer electronic cash system that was secure, affordable, and efficient far beyond conventional banking standards.

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